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Fixes and Features for release 5.0 version 37.9 -
The ARexx port for MachV has been renamed. It is now MACHV_REXX. The
port MACHV is still there, it just will not accept ARexx commands.
It shouldn't be difficult to edit your ARexx programs using splat, sed
or even edit. With edit you can enter:
edit rexx:program
(This was done in order to implement a complete ARexx interface.)
Added 3rd argument to PutMsg_ARexx. If supplied, the message to
the ARexx port will request a result and use that argument as the
name of an environment variable to store it. e.g.
PutMsg_ARexx"EMACS1,(file-name-directory default-directory),edir"
This will make gnuemacs return the default directory and MachV will
store it in the variable edir (local or global, depending on the
variable setting in "Miscellaneous Features").
The following macro (all one line) will add a file requester to
PutMsg_ARexx"EMACS1,(file-name-directory default-directory),edir"
exe_cmd"setenv efile `c:requestfile drawer $edir noicons`"
PutMsg_ARexx"EMACS1,(find-file \"${efile}\")"
This next macro would enable you to replace TurboText's requester
with the requester in the asl.library:
exe_cmd"setenv tfile `c:requestfile drawer ${tdir} pubscreen
TURBOTEXT noicons`"
putmsg_arexx"TURBOTEXT,OpenDoc NAME ${tfile}"
Some work done on the clipboard viewer. Smaller, more reliable.
Fixed Window Cycling somewhat. The right button down is now converted
to a left button up. This helps some programs that really expect
(demand) the left button up to come sometime. It also speeds up
Workbench window cycling.
In order to prevent the accidental running of SetMachV from the
clock, you must first click the left button on the clock then press
the right button. This was done because the clock sometimes becomes
the active window after another window closes. Then when trying to
access a menu, SetMachV gets run. If the clock gets moved when you
click on it, it will return to its proper position.
Exe_Cmd"program,screen" was broken. The screen would be brought to
the front, but the program would also run.
2 new functions: exe_arexx_command and exe_arexx_string. (These
were going to wait for 5.1, but, ah well...they seem to work fine
and are really useful.)
1. exe_arexx_command"filename,env_var_for_result"
This function eliminates the need for "rx" or "run rx" and also
allows scripts with just MachV macros without "address MACHV".
(Actually, the port in all ARexx scripts must be renamed to
The default filename extension is .mach.
If your ARexx program or script ends with a "return value", that will
be set to the environment variable that is specified as the 2nd
argument. If you had this program named rexx:test.mach -
/* Return an answer to MachV which will set an env variable. */
parse arg arg1
return a*arg1
and you executed this macro:
exe_arexx_command"test 5,answer"
the env variable "answer" will be set to 10. The passed argument
could also have been a variable:
exe_arexx_command"test ${count},answer"
2. exe_arexx_string"tiny_program,env_var_for_result"
This allows you to execute arexx functions directly. A trivial
arexx_string"return time(hours),results"
The env variable "results" would get set to hours past midnight.
You could insert text that is self-incrementing with this:
arexx_string"return ${count}+1,count" "${count}"
This has ARexx increment the variable count, and then the results
are sent as keystrokes.
Fixed Quick Edit window to open in the center of your display no
matter where on a virtual screen you are.
Version 37.5.
Added the gadget "Select Title" in SetMachV. This replaces AllTitles and
AllTasks. It makes it easy to determine the correct title to use.
Fixed Mac_Macros and Msc_Suspend to work no matter what key they are on.
Fixed broken recursion. Recursive macros would not execute.
Environment variable machv_recursion_depth is used to limit macro
recursion. This defaults to 10, but you may set it to any value. This
variable is either global or local, depending on your setting in the
Miscellaneous Features.
Fixed Clipboard "Print". Would sometimes cause a "ClipViewer Failure".
While I was at it, I added error requesters when clp_paste is trying to
paste an empty or an ILBM clip.
With "KeyActivate" selected and attempting to push the Workbench window
back using mouse "Window Cycle", the system would lock up. This is fixed.
Added ability to copy to and from files and environment variables to the
clipboard using the CLP_TRANSFER function. See MachV.guide.
Added the gadgets "Load" and "Save" to the clipboard viewer. Fixed
gadget layout to be usable on a lores screen. See MachV.guide.
Added the new function MSC_CONFIRM"Message". It puts up an Okay/Cancel
requester with your message. If Cancel is selected, the macro will be
aborted. Example:
Confirm"Do You Really Want To Delete All Files?" Exe_Cmd"delete ram:#?"
By special request, the function Msc_Gameport was added. This allows the
user to execute macros from a joystick or similar device. This function
turns gameport monitoring on and off. Either 4 or 8 directions may be
used as well as 3 fire buttons. Macros with specific names will be
executed when the joystick is moved or a button pressed. See MachV.guide
for complete details.
SetMachV will use your default font if it is 8x8 instead of Topaz.
Configuration saving with the clock in a "float" position would save the
actual - not the relative - position. This is fixed. Don't imagine that
it affected anyone but me.
Version 37.7
Added AppWindow to ClipViewer. Now you can just drop an icon into the
viewer and see the file.
Added clip size to "Clipboard Unit #". Now displays:
" Clipboard Unit # 0 (nnnnnn bytes)"
" -----------------------------------"
Synchronizing of the clipboard unit being displayed and the unit being
used in console clipping got broken. Is now fixed. Also, when the clip
viewer is closed when displaying a unit other than 0, the unit used is
reset to 0.
02-09-94 37.7
Minor changes made to SetMachV menu layout and main window and screen
titles. SetMachV will open a custom screen the same height and width as
your Workbench display area. If "Title Bar" is not selected, you may
move the main window, exposing the screen title bar.
March 28, 1994
Version 37.8
When QuickEdit is open, you can click on a clock gadget to make its
macro appear in the QuickEdit gadget. In addition, when a macro that is
attached to a gadget is displayed, the QuickEdit window expands to display
two XY position string gadgets. You may move a gadget by entering its
coordinates here.
You may also position a gadget from the "Flags" window.
You can append a clip to a file by specifying a file name preceded with
">>" in the ClipViewer file requester. Open the ClipViewer (execute a
macro with Clp_View) and click on 'Save'. Select the desired directory
and enter >>filename.
Drawer |ram: |
File |>>dummy |
If the file does not exist, it will be created.
This feature is in addition to saving to environment variables by
preceding the name with '$'.
The function exe_arexx_string was not setting the results variable until
after the macro execution completed. Fixed.
QuickEdit now correctly displays the hotkey in the title bar if it is a
mouse button. Previously it displayed a 'M'.
Screen blanking can occur even while blanked. This means that you can have
the screen dimmed, then an auto-executing macro could change it to black.
Exe_Auto"23:00" msc_blank"0" /* set to black during the night */
Exe_Auto"07:00" msc_blank"3" /* and dim during the day */
A second optional argument can be used to turn splines on or off.
Exe_Auto"23:00" msc_blank"0,off" /* black and no splines */
Both options affect your current settings.
Version 37.8
Fixed incorrect flags in default configuration.
Fixed inability to move clock gadgets that were same height as clock
Directory notification changed. Previously, it was only used to monitor
changes to gadget imagery. Now it reloads your MachV.prefs file and
updates any gadgets you may have. So if you edit your prefs file with an
editor, MachV will automatically reload it when you save. MachV does not
reload when saving from SetMachV or MachV (no need).
mach.library now uses memory pools for macro and gadget allocations. This
makes creating large numbers of gadgets faster and causes less memory
fragmentation. MachV and SetMachV require at least version 37.8 of
Programmer note: All macro memory allocations must go through the library
calls PAlloc and PFree. For example:
struct MacroObject *mo;
char mac[] = "Test macro";
if (mo = AllocMacroObject()) {
mo->mo_Size = strlen(mac)+1
if (mo->mo_Macro = PAlloc(mo->mo_Size) {
printf("macro allocated\n" );
Blanking by executing macro required the macro to be named 'blank' instead
of 'Blank' as indicated in the docs. Use 'Blank'.
The list window that the functions MAC_SELECT_NAMED, WIN_SELECT_WINDOW
and SCR_SELECT_SCREEN open now opens under the mouse.
If 'QuickBlank' is selected, this means that the screen will blank when
the pointer does if the pointer is in the upper left corner of the screen.
Additionally, if the pointer is in the upper right corner, the screen will
not blank at all. This is useful when, for example, you are just monitoring
a download.
Mac_Record_Named will record to a name if supplied instead of asking for
one after recording. For example, Mac_Record_Named"draw circle" will record
a macro and when recording stops, an unkeyed macro object named "draw circle"
will be created.
A macro attached to < or > would not be read in from the MachV.prefs file.
This was caused by MapANSI returning a keycode of 0x30 instead of 0x38 and
0x39. I don't know why MapANSI did this, and I don't know what happens with
other keymaps. I fixed it for usa map with a kludge that tested for this
10-15-94 37.9
Password protection added. If a password is entered in the "Pasword" gadget
in the Miscellaneous Features window of SetMachV, MachV will require that
password before unblanking the screen. If the screen is merely dimmed, you
will not be prompted for the password. Just type it in and press Return.
If you forget your password, your only recourse is Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga!
The password may also be set with the macro function SET_PASSWORD"password".
win_activate_next can accept one argument - an AmigaDos wild card pattern.
The function will use this to exclude or include titles. For example:
win_activate_next"~(MachV#?)" will exclude any window with a title
beginning with 'MachV'.
win_activate_next"~(Csh#?|Workbench#?)" will exclude any window with a
title beginning with 'Csh' or 'Workbench'.
win_activate_next"(GNU#?|Csh#?|Workb#?)" will INCLUDE any window with a
title beginning with 'GNU', 'Csh' or 'Workb'.
Note: A window with no title pointer (w->Title == NULL) will match no matter
what your pattern is.